Dominican Tradition ✨
Mother’s Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of May every year. It is a very commercial day because many stores dedicate themselves to selling gifts such as flower arrangements, mugs, breakfasts, makeup, massages, clothes, perfumes, among others.
In schools, children put on presentations for their mothers, while others simply create cards with lovely messages to take home.

Our culture is very joyful and affectionate, so it’s normal to see gestures of love between children and mothers, such as hugs and kisses. On this day, the whole family usually gathers at the grandmothers’ house, where they exchange gifts. Serenades with beautiful songs dedicated to mothers can also be performed.
Here’s an example of a Dominican song:
Name: Madre mía
Singer: Sergio Vargas
Many say that Mother’s Day is every day, that the love we want to share with our special someone should be constant, day by day.
Phrase in Spanish:
“El amor de una madre es el combustible que le permite a un ser humano hacer lo imposible.” – Marion C. Garretty
Learn dominican Spanish:
- Gift: Regalo
- Flower arrangements: arreglos florales
- Hug: Abrazo
- Card: Tarjeta
- Share: Compartir
- May God bless you, mom: ¡Que Dios te bendiga, mamá!
- Happy Mother’s Day: ¡Feliz Día de las Madres!
- You’re the best mother in the world: Eres la mejor madre del mundo